Good friend’s ex fell in love with George Hu and threatened to commit sucide

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Recently, George Hu was invited to a variety programme, University <大學生了沒> to share his dating experience.

The good-looking actor has encountered many women courting after him, and the scariest woman he has met is his good friend’s ex-girlfriend.

After breaking up with his buddy, the girl professed her love for him. As she was his good friend’s ex, George felt that it was impossible for them to develop further, and rejected her.

What came next was frightening for George. The girl called him one day, and threatened to kill herself by drinking the pesticide. George said, “It was too frightening!”  George dared not contact the girl anymore after the nerve-breaking episode.

Also sharing his dating experience, George said that he preferred to give each other freedom in a relationship. Aside from updating each other of their whereabouts for safety reason, he will not keep a close tab on his girlfriend.

Source: Ettoday 

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