Sonia Sui started dating her new beau after only meeting him the second time

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Sonia Siu

After walking out from her heartbreaking relationship with Yao Yuan Hao two years ago, Sonia Siu is finally seeing someone new again.

Two days ago, Sonia was spotted on a date with the stepson of Taiwanese singer, Lai Pei-Hsia, Tony Chia. When her romance was exposed, Sonia admitted openly on her Facebook, and shared a photo of herself with Tony.

She wrote, “I met someone whom I want to bring happiness to. Please give us some personal space. Thank you.”

Through an interview, Sonia shared that she was very comfortable getting along with Tony, and that she found “security” in him. The couple met at a musical show of Lai Pei-Hsia, and remained in contact even after Tony returned to the States. The couple exchanged text messages in English and had endless topics to chat.

Sonia and Tony re-met again in September, and they felt embarrassed seeing each other again. It was after a few days that the couple decided to date officially.

Sonia also said, “We started dating only in these few days!”

Sonia was also seen taking Tony back to her apartment, and within an hour, the couple returned to Tony’s place. Sonia explained that she had received an invitation from Tony’s parents to visit their home.

Sonia Siu with Tony’s family

“I really like their whole family, and want to manage this relationship seriously. I don’t want to hide,” said Sonia.

Sonia once said that she had envisioned her future boyfriend to pick her from work everyday. However, Tony is based in the States, and has to leave in two days’ time.

“Yes, I did mention before that I would not have a long-distance relationship, and would not date someone who couldn’t speak Mandarin, but I yet met such a person. It’s better not to say anything too early.”

Asked if they had talked about marriage, Sonia said, “I don’t dare to think that far!”

Source: Apple Daily  

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