Ken Chu admits he’s married!

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Ken Chu and Chinese actress, Han Wen Wen’s wedding news was circulated two weeks ago. Ken’s manager responded then that the couple had only filed notice of intended marriage, and they would announce once they have registered for marriage.

Yesterday, Ken promoted a new mainland variety show, Burning Calories <燃燒吧!卡路里> in which he was starred in the reality programme. As a student in the show, Ken has to follow the coach Han Geng to take up a challenge, “Burning calories in 100 days”.

Many were puzzled as to why he agreed to star in the programme. Ken said humorously, “Mainly, it’s because I need the money, if not, my family can’t have meals.”


When asked if he was already married, Ken replied, “Sort of.”

On his wedding banquet, Ken said, “Once I have time, we will hold it.”

Ken also said that he and his other half hoped to keep their wedding low profile, and did not want it to be extravagant. Once they have completed the wedding formalities, they would prepare for the ceremony.

He also revealed that he would listen to his wife’s opinions when it comes to wedding.

“For wedding, men are usually the assistants, and women are the ones in charge. I will then have a good life in future after this thing is done properly.”

Source: Ettoday

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