Did Barbie Hsu hint that Aya is pregnant?

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Rumours are rife that Taiwanese host Aya is pregnant.

The 35-year-old was spotted with a chubbier face and a swollen figure when she attended an event last month.

Recently, she commented on a group photo with Barbie Hsu, Dee Hsu, Pace Wu, Makiyo and Christine Fan, stating, “There are more mothers-to-be!”

Aya is in a long distance relationship with an American born Chinese for seven years. She once remarked that, “I don’t need man or children.”

Just last week, she said on her Weibo, “A man hopes to find his perfect other half. Cherish the one by your side to find your perfection.”

Aya’s manager has dismissed her pregnancy rumour, “She has so much work to do in China. How does she get pregnant?”

Yesterday, Aya has also denied her pregnancy, saying, “There is no such thing. Where do you hear it from?”

However, Aya’s good friend Barbie posted a statement about pregnancy which seems to be hinting at her pregnancy.

“Our ancestors had the wisdom of passing down that ‘pregnancy cannot be announced within the first three months’. This is because there are many uncertain factors in early pregnancy and the mother-to-be also feels unsettled. If you suspect that someone is pregnant, do not attempt to expose her. This is to respect the mother and protect the baby. Anyway, the belly cannot be hidden after four months. So, wait patiently for the good news.”

After reading Barbie’s post, many netizens speculate that she was trying to help Aya to fence off the rumours and fans have been pouring in their congratulations. Some also wondered if Barbie’s sister, Dee is once again pregnant.


Source: China News, Sina 

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