Ella Koon’s husband cannot recognise her after her cup size increases during pregnancy

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This year’s Mother’s Day is very meaningful to Ella Koon. Ella, who is 3 months pregnant has received many Mother’s Day gifts from friends and she also felt a change in her identity although her baby is not born yet.

Since pregnancy, Ella has seen a transformation in her figure. Besides her tummy getting bigger, Ella also sees herself with a fuller figure.

“When I see myself in the mirror, I feel that the figure doesn’t seem like mine. When my husband saw me, he said that I did not look like the Ella he knew. He felt that it was a different person standing in front of him.”

Ella also said that her cup size had increased. “I can’t believe that I can have such a good figure in my life. I am very surprised. I need to change my undergarment.”

Ella said that she is going to have her maternity shoot, and will breastfeed her baby after giving birth.

“I feel that it’s a way to bond with my baby and hope that he will grow up healthily.”


Source: Ming Pao

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