Vanness Wu holds on to marriage because of faith

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Vanness Wu and his wife Arissa Cheo have often taken to Instagram and aired their displeasure against one another openly.

Although Vanness’ marriage is suspected to be on the rocks, he has never responded on his marriage to the media. According to Taiwanese media, the reason why Vanness is still holding on to his marriage is because of his faith.

Vanness and Arissa had an on-off relationship in their 7 years of dating. The couple finally got married in 2013 in Los Angeles. Tabloids claimed that Arissa was unhappy that Vanness often had to travel for work, and she was also not willing to travel with him.

Hence, Arissa was said to often go out partying with her friends, and disregarded Vanness’ feelings.

An insider said that although Vanness and Arissa often quarrelled, Vanness was reluctant to end his marriage because of his religion. When Vanness was baptised as a Christian, he was reminded by his pastor to “work hard to mend his marriage”.

Vanness also feels that marriage was bestowed by god, and unless his spouse has gone astray, he would try his best to salvage his marriage.

Source: Ettoday

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  1. Maureen M. Reply

    It seems that these two never should have gotten married. They both seem to be immature to me. Their lives are too public. They don’t have a good foundation on which to build a marriage. Their lifestyles are also not conducive to building a married life. It’s unfortunate, they don’t seem equally yoked or that they worked on their relationship enough before marriage to get married in the first place.

    1. Maureen M. Reply

      I sincerely hope these two don’t get pregnant, because it would be so unfair to place children in the middle of this chaos they are calling marriage. Sadly, I don’t think it will last in the end.