Ekin Cheng on Yoyo Mung’s weight gain: I will love her the same

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Yoyo Mung made a public appearance recently, and she was spotted to be putting on weight, as compared to her slim figure before her marriage. As such, Yoyo was speculated to be expecting.

Yoyo denied that she was pregnant but admitted that she got a shock after seeing the photo.

She said, “I will display the photo at my bed to remind myself that I can’t be putting on weight anymore.”

A few days ago, Ekin attended an event and was asked about his wife’s weight. He said, “She is happy. She was too thin in the past. (Do you like her now or before?) I love her the same. Most importantly, she is healthy. (She seems to be very anxious about exercising?) She is only saying it.”

Ekin also denied that Yoyo was pregnant and said that it was the angle of the photo. He said that Yoyo’s birthday would be coming in August, and he is planning to give her a gym equipment as a present.

Source: On.cc

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